This be the viewpoint of one thug.
Violence shatters an otherwise peaceful Sunday. At least 24 bullets screamed between this vehicle and the balcony behind the steering wheel. Most of the rounds went to the left of the railing, through the exterior wall, into someone's living room. One bullet made that trip and went through the steel front door and into the next apartment. The driver's side window is on the driver's seat and the parking lot. The windshield has two holes in it, the door frame to the left has two holes in it, and the dashboard has a hole the size of a fist.
45 caliber and 9 millimeter rounds did the property damage (with hollow point rounds!), and scared the crap out of a lot of people who live at English Village apartments. It's at the end of Peed Drive in Greenville, and managed by Wainright. Not good. The people who live there are very friendly and seem to know most everyone who lives there. They said one of the people who may have been involved only lived there a few months. Maybe Wainright has lowered their standards.
One man I spoke with across the parking lot said the gunfire woke him up at about 4:45 this morning. He wanted to see what was going on in his usually quiet neighborhood. As he opened the front door, POW-POW-POW! Three small caliber rounds hit the door. I noticed the location of where the rounds hit the door. If he had not moved, he would have been hit square in the chest, and in the head. There was a bullet casing lying near the front door. I asked him if he had any lights on, and he said yes. My theory is that this was possibly a gang initiation because a resident heard one of the thugs say: "I got one!" They find a mark, and protect the action from witnesses. They look for lights on at that time of day and cover it. Any movement, and let 'em have it. Just a theory.
Just before I arrived at the scene, I saw two cops parked a few blocks away. I turned to talk to them first. I asked them what they knew about a shooting that took place at the end of the road this morning. I was armed with that information when someone at the scene called our newsroom to tell us about what happened. They actually wanted to talk about it. They were angry enough to want to tell people that this happened in their little neck of the urban woods. Sometimes luck is on our side, sometimes it's on the side of the competition. Turns out, the station claiming to be the "breaking news station" did not have the story at six, even after I had posted it to our website at 1pm. The ABC station used a little bit of info from what I had gathered, and the best they could do with any video was a google image. Sad. The sour economy means a lot fewer resources for tv stations. And now I've just learned of a house fire on Harker's Island, close to a 2 hour drive. So, we won't have video of that, but the ABC station might.
What comes around goes around.
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