Thursday, October 8, 2009

Holy crap!

Save the Plane(t)


We live in an amazing and amusing world. We, as a species, like others before us, are only here for a short period of geological time. Unlike our predecessors, we have the ability to see the potential end of our existence. There are many who have taken up the cause to delay that end, or even stop it from happening. The environmentalists for one. But recent news headlines have shown the Japanese airline, All Nippon, taking it to new heights. They are asking people to lighten the load of their planes by evacuating their bladders pre-flight. If you can empty your pipes too, that would be even better. And, perhaps you could get a first-class upgrade if you jammed your finger down your throat and sacrificed your last meal. Hell, why don't they offer liposuction or kidney donation at the gate? There are so many benefits to reducing carbon emissions.

"Congressmen with Guts"

Not too long ago, few people had heard of these guys, Florida Democrat Alan Grayson, and South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson. That was before they chose to speak their minds bluntly. Wilson went first when he shouted "You lie!" at President Obama during his last speech to Congress on health care. That outburst is apparently what many Americans wanted to say, and finally, a congressman had the stones to do it when it counted--a high profile gathering of lawmakers and the public at home watching the event. For Grayson, a Bronx-born, Harvard-educated lawyer, his shocker fell out last week when referring to the GOP health care plan: "Don't get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly." I'd like to hear more honesty. Not just on the hill, but everywhere. Honest opinions can lead to quicker resolutions to problems at many levels. Honesty may start a war, but it would be a necessary war. And if I do happen to start a war with this opinion, let's make it quick, I've got to empty my bladder.

1 comment:

  1. I love this article. Reminds me a little of Andy Rooney. :)
