Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not This Time

Post Office branch at Eastchester, High Point
The late comedian, George Carlin, noted on human behavior: the closer a person is to you, the nicer they are. The bubble-headed bleach blonde anchor on TV is an IDIOT!! That guy in the car who just cut you off is an asshole! The person standing next to you in line is a dick.
Well, not this time. We've all been here: you are waiting for someone to vacate a parking spot (in this case, the only available parking spot), your turn signal is on for a weak insurance policy, hoping people who come by looking for the spot you have your eyes on will see that you have been waiting for it before they showed up, and would move along. Not this time. While the person is backing out of the premium, a lady, who looked to be in her fifties came up from the other direction, and put her turn signal on. "HA!" I thought. "You obviously don't see me siting here communicating my next move. Or, you are in a provocative mood. Or both. " When the departing car gave enough room for me to take charge, I did. It was not because I felt mean or selfish, it was because of principal. I was there BEFORE her. And besides, I didn't budget the time for having to troll this little parking lot. Who would?
When I got out of my Ford Windstar, I looked over to see what she ended up doing. You can see what she did with her car. She not only blocked me in, but the two cars to the right. I waited for her to walk over. When she did, I told her what a selfish thing she had just done. She said she was there first. I corrected her and she walked away like, "what are you going to do about it?" Right. What am I going to do about it. I wanted to reach in to her partly opened window and liberate her poodle who commiserated with me about her self-centered owner. I instead snapped a couple of pictures of what some people are capable of doing. Now I didn't care if I was a little late for work. It was worth it to me to see how all this was going to play out. I didn't want to run my errand because I didn't know what else she was willing to do to make herself feel better about what had just happened. I was also sporting a couple of Fox8 logos, so I was confined to civil behavior. For if I was not representing, she would have heard from me, George.

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