Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Brass Ring

Much like riders on a Merry-Go-Round, I have been spinning on my own ride, reaching for a prize; only I've been spinning since 1994. In the amusement parks, most of the rings are iron; not much of a prize. If you're lucky, the real prize, the brass ring, will present itself on the next go-around. If you can get it, it means a free ride, and great joy for that rider. For me, the rings represented employment in Minnesota--more specifically, the Twin Cities. My hometown(s). The four TV stations in the Twin Cities were the rings, and for me, WCCO has always been the brass ring.
The Brass Ring
My carousel has been spinning around for nearly twenty years, and most of the time there were no rings. A few times the iron rings came around, but despite my best efforts, I could not grab them. Several years ago as I came around to the ring dispenser, there was a brass ring! But again, I missed it. I felt frustrated and more restricted than the person in the above photo who is strapped into her seat. Then, a few months ago, another brass ring appeared. This time I felt I had a better shot at it as the work I had produced since then improved.
I SNAGGED IT! (great joy)

WCCO is legendary. It has, in my and thousands of other's opinion, been the community station, a family. And I feel like I've been adopted into a very comfortable one. During a recent company meeting they had a naturalization ceremony for the new "family" members in which they gave us these nifty personalized cotton jerseys. I wear it proudly.
That was a little more than a month ago, and I still feel as comfortable and honored as I did the first day. 
I am given opportunities that keep my day interesting, including the occasional technical challenge, and I have unwavering support from all sides.
I've heard it said around the shop that this is where photographers retire.

I hope I'm one of them.

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